Usage overview

The goal of django-soapbox is to provide a simple way to display persistent messages on either all pages, specific pages, or a subset of pages on a Django-powered site. To begin using django-soapbox, simply install it, then add soapbox to your INSTALLED_APPS setting and run migrate to install the Message model.

You can then begin creating Message instances through the admin interface, indicating which URLs you’d like them to appear on.

Provided models

class Message

The core of django-soapbox is the Message model, which represents messages to be displayed on your site. This model has four fields and one important custom method:


The actual text of the message to display. This can be plain text, or it can include HTML.


A BooleanField (defaults to True) indicating whether the message is currently active; only active messages will be retrieved by the standard helpers built in to django-soapbox.


A BooleanField (defaults to False) indicating whether the message is global; a global message does not need to have url (see below) set, and will match any URL.


A field to indicate which URL on your site this message should be associated with. Not needed if is_global is True.


Return True if this Message matches url, False otherwise. If is_global is True, will always return True.

class MessageManager

Also provided on Message is a custom manager, accessible as Message.objects, which defines two useful methods:


Returns a QuerySet of all Message instances which have is_active set to True. This is defined as a custom QuerySet method, so it can also be “chained” onto other QuerySets. For example, the following would retrieve all Message instances which are both global and active:


Return a list – not a QuerySet – of all Message instances which match url.

Message URL matching

The message-retrieveal helpers provided in django-soapbox will only retrieve messages which are active and which match a particular URL you pass to them; typically, this will be the URL of the current request. The matching process is case-sensitive and uses the following algorithm, implemented in the match() method of Message.

  1. If the Message has is_global set to True, immediately return True.
  2. Strip leading and trailing slashes from the URL, and from the url field of the Message, and split each on internal slashes to yield a list of path components.
  3. If the list of components from the url field of the Message is longer than the list from the passed-in URL, immediately return False.
  4. Return True if the list of components from the url field, and the corresponding list of components from the beginning of the passed-in URL, are equal. Otherwise, return False.

This means that a Message will match not only a URL which is an exact match for its own url, but also any URL of which its url is a prefix. So, for example, if the url field contained /foo/, it would match on /foo/ and on /foo/bar/.

Retrieving and displaying messages

There are two helpers built in to django-soapbox for retrieving and displaying messages in templates.

One is a context processor, which will add a variable soapbox_messages to the context of any template rendered with a RequestContext (required in order to have access to the request path to determine the URL). To enable it, simply add soapbox.context_processors.soapbox_messages to your TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS setting.

If you prefer to have more fine-grained control of where messages will be retrieved and displayed, django-soapbox provides a template tag, get_soapbox_messages which can retrieve messages for a given URL and place them into a variable in the context. The syntax of the tag is:

{% get_messages_for_page [url] as [varname] %}

To use the tag, first add {% load soapbox %} to the template to load the django-soapbox template tag library, then call the get_messages_for_page tag, passing a URL – either a string, or a template variable which the tag will resolve – and the name of the context variable you’d like the message to be placed into. For example:

{% load soapbox %}
{% get_messages_for_page request.path as soapbox_messages %}

{% for message in soapbox_messages %}
  <p>Important message: {{ message }}</p>
{% endfor %}

What django-soapbox is not

Importantly, django-soapbox is not a system for displaying one-time “flash”-type notifications to an individual user; for that, use Django’s built-in message framework. It also is not a system for users to send messages to each other; for that, email or a custom user-message tool is more appropriate.

Instead, django-soapbox is for displaying messages to all users, on any URLs the messages match, each time they visit those URLs. Most often this is useful for site-wide or section-specific announcements all users need to see.

Security considerations

The tools provided in django-soapbox are designed around the assumption that only trusted administrators of your site will be permitted to create Message instances. In particular, a Message will, by default, mark its contents as safe for display, and so the Django template system will not perform autoescaping of the contents. This is useful for allowing HTML messages – for example, containing links to longer announcements on their own pages – but if opened to arbitrary or untrusted users would be a serious cross-site scripting vulnerability

Because of this, it is recommended that you only use the Django administrative interface to create Message instances, and that you carefully restrict the soapbox.add_message permission to only a small number of trusted administrators.